Why Am I So Tired?
Lots of factors can be the cause of chronic fatigue, but there are ways to identify & treat them effectively
Lots of factors can be the cause of chronic fatigue, but there are ways to identify & treat them effectively
Using Western medicine and Chinese medicine in the ways that capitalize on their inherent strengths will save you money & help you live healthier for longer.
There are principles to follow to make sure you body ages well so that you can engage in all the activities you want to engage in in your 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and beyond.
Liver Qi stagnation, resulting from stress, could be the root cause of a lot of your symptoms.
Some pain is normal and healthy. Just don’t ignore what it’s trying to tell you.
The key to effective stress management is finding the combination of resources that work for you. Don’t stop until you find it.
Use Chinese Medicine principles to treat imbalances related to the function of your heart organ system.
The keys to making new habits are to keep it simple and stay consistent.