Liver Cheese Stagnation

Liver Qi stagnation, resulting from stress, could be the root cause of a lot of your symptoms.
Woman meditating
The most common diagnosis I see in my practice is a pattern called Liver Qi Stagnation. No, it’s not actually Liver “Cheese” Stagnation although I have gotten that response so many times now, I couldn’t resist including it here 😆
In Chinese Medicine theory, the Liver is responsible for regulating the movement of Qi in the body. In this context, you can think of Qi as the vital nutrients in the blood that the various organs of your body need to function.
In the case of Liver Qi stagnation, something (very often acute stress) has caused a constriction so that these vital nutrients are not getting to all of the organs and tissues of the body that need it.
The resulting symptoms can be digestive issues (cramping, bloating, alternating loose and constipation), tight muscles (particularly upper back and shoulders), headaches and migraines, irritability or a short fuse, as well as many peri-menstrual symptoms like cramping, breast tenderness, clots and other dysmenorrhea symptoms.  The Liver “opens to the eyes” so it is not uncommon to see eye issues related to Liver Qi Stagnation as well – floaters in the vision, pressure behind the eyes or frequent styes.
So what can you do about it?
Your short term focus should be on moving your Qi. Do this quickly with:
  • Physical movement
  • Deep breathing
  • Qi Gong exercise
  • Laughter / Crying
  • Acupuncture


Long term areas of focus are to continue to move Qi and take steps to prevent stagnation from developing. So, use all of the tools above, but create a balanced internal state by helping your nervous system spend more time in a parasympathetic (“rest and digest”) state to prevent stagnation. Use:

There are also excellent herbal formulas for treating this pattern; talk to your Licensed Acupuncturist to get a prescription for the most appropriate herbs for you!
Don’t know where to start? Let’s dive in during your next appointment!
Chris Goddin, owner and acupuncture of Balance Wellness

Why choose Balance?

I have made it my mission to be an advocate for you, my patients, and determine what steps you need to take to improve your health and get to the root of your health issues. My background in Integrative Medicine gives me the opportunity to understand the various mechanisms that are causing your health issues and the tools we can use to fix them.

I feel extremely fortunate to have found this medicine and I look forward to the opportunity to share it with you!

—Chris Goddin, L.Ac.


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