Liver Cheese Stagnation
Liver Qi stagnation, resulting from stress, could be the root cause of a lot of your symptoms.
The 5 Keys to Longevity
What can you do to live a healthy, active & happy life as long as you can?
Is Arthritis Avoidable?
Is Arthritis Avoidable? Short answer… yes!
When & How to Use Herbs
The key to effectively using herbs is to start early
Stop Icing Injuries
Icing injuries can actually delay healing time. Avoid this debunked practice in order to heal faster.
Treatment of Pandemic Stress & Anxiety Without Pharmaceuticals
Useful and immediate steps can be taken to reduce pandemic-related stress and anxiety right now.
How To Treat a Viral Infection Holistically
Prevent and treat viral infections holistically for superior results
What is Integrative Medicine and Why Should I Care?
The term “Integrative Medicine” is gaining popularity. It’s being used by Medical Doctors, Acupuncturists, Physical Therapists, Allergists… the list is growing. As the term becomes more and more mainstream within healthcare practitioner circles, it is ever more important that the general public understands what it means and why it is an important concept. Generally, integrative […]
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
For all the Millennials reading this with a short attention span, the short answer is: NO… OK, thanks for reading! For the rest of you, here is why acupuncture does not hurt: Acupuncture needles are as thin, or sometimes thinner, than a single human hair. If you compare the size of an acupuncture needle to […]
What Is a Licensed Acupuncturist?
So you’ve decided you’d like to try out acupuncture or at the very least learn more about what it is. Now what? You find a Licensed Acupuncturist! A Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) is a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has met the requirements for licensure by the state governing body. Those requirements do vary […]