Liver Cheese Stagnation
Liver Qi stagnation, resulting from stress, could be the root cause of a lot of your symptoms.
The 5 Keys to Longevity
What can you do to live a healthy, active & happy life as long as you can?
Why Inflammation Matters
Short term inflammation is how your body recovers from an injury and is essential to your health. Long-term inflammation must be addressed by identifying what is continuing to create it and giving the body the resources it needs to address it.
What is Dry Needling?
Dry needling is a form of acupuncture that is not for everybody or every condition, but when used appropriately can be very effective at producing fast results
Acupuncture for Sports Injury and Performance
Integrative approaches to sports medicine offer effective solutions for pain, injury recovery and improved performance
Acupuncture for Sports Injury in Austin, TX
Acupuncture, and the full scope of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that an acupuncturist utilizes, is a full system of medicine that views the individual as a holistic unit. Because of this, we treat the whole athlete and are able to more effectively help the recovery process and prevent injuries in the first place compared to many single modalities.
Acupuncture, Meditation & The Vagus Nerve
Mindfulness meditation and acupuncture work together to effect change in the vagus nerve.
Why You Should AVOID Ice for an Injury
Icing injuries can actually delay healing time. Avoid this debunked practice in order to heal faster.
Acupuncture for Arthritis!
May is Arthritis Awareness Month in the US, so it seems like the perfect time to dive into a topic that I get asked about a lot. More specifically, I usually don’t even get asked a question, but instead get some version of a statement such as: “I have a lot of knee pain, but I’ve had x-rays and they’ve confirmed that I have arthritis, so there’s really nothing that can be done unless I have surgery…”
What is Cupping Therapy?
By now you’ve probably seen the marks. Athletes, celebrities and probably some of your friends are sporting circular marks on their backs and shoulders that make it look like they got into a fight with a vacuum cleaner. Those marks are from cupping therapy, and are different from typical bruises in important ways. Typically, bruises occur […]