Stop Icing Injuries

Stop icing injuries

Icing injuries can actually delay healing time. Avoid this debunked practice in order to heal faster.

Austin Pain Relief

So long 2019, bring on 2020!! 2020 is poised to be a huge year in the world of pain relief. The 2010’s saw a rise in opioid prescriptions, addictions and recognition that this is an ineffective and unsustainable way to control pain in the vast majority of people. As we move into the 20’s we […]

Acupuncture for Back Pain and Anxiety In Pregnancy

My wife and I welcomed our first daughter to the world during my 2nd semester of acupuncture school. Not the greatest timing given how much I was giving (mentally and financially) to my education at the time, but we decided to start trying to conceive expecting it to take some time… apparently we are among […]