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6 Steps to Treat Low Back Pain Naturally

Low back pain treated by integrative medicine

The vast majority of us have had or will have low back pain at some point in our lives. If you’re active, or sit for long periods of time, you are more likely to experience discomfort. In fact, low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide AND the #1 reason for missed work in America!

Your Summer Health Checklist

It is officially summer! Time for swimming holes, getting out on a boat, and (if you can) getting out of Texas! It’s also a perfect time to take a health inventory. Are you able to be as active as you want to be? Are you taking the steps to make sure you can continue to […]

3 Keys to Sticking With Resolutions Based On Psychology

We’ve all been there: New year’s is the most popular time, but some of us make lofty resolutions and self-improvement goals throughout the year: “I am going to start working out regularly this year.” “Next year I will meditate every single day.” “After I eat this pie, I am off of sugar.” But as often […]

The Effects of Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating condition that many people have to live with. It affects as many as 2.5 million Americans, and typically manifests around the age of 33. It is characterized by extreme unexplainable fatigue that does not ease even with rest. CFS is a disorder that has both profound physical and psychological […]

How is Sugar Affecting Your Health?

For most people, some added sugar in the diet is fine and will not cause short or long term health issues. In small quantities, the body has several mechanisms for using sugar effectively and disposing of the excess. However, the problem that most of us face is the realization that “some” is not a whole […]

7 Tips To Improve Your Mental Health

October is Mental Health Month at Balance Wellness! I am particularly excited to focus on this topic for a few reasons: 1. Mental health/illness is not talked about as much as it should be given how many people it affects (see #2) 2. Depression is the #1 cause of disability worldwide… seriously 3. I have seen […]