How to Live a Healthy Life!
The top 15 tips for living your healthiest life from Austin health professionals
5 Easy Tips to Improve Your Sleep in Austin
Sleep is foundational for good health: nearly all of your bodily processes are affected by the amount you get.
How To Reduce Risk Post-Lockdown
As we begin to emerge from lockdown over the coming weeks and months, it’s important that we know the steps we need to take to help protect ourselves and loved ones. As COVID-19 surges on, research is helping shed more light on how we can minimize our risk. I highly recommend this guide written by Dr. […]
6 Steps to Treat Low Back Pain Naturally
The vast majority of us have had or will have low back pain at some point in our lives. If you’re active, or sit for long periods of time, you are more likely to experience discomfort. In fact, low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide AND the #1 reason for missed work in America!
Your Summer Health Checklist
It is officially summer! Time for swimming holes, getting out on a boat, and (if you can) getting out of Texas! It’s also a perfect time to take a health inventory. Are you able to be as active as you want to be? Are you taking the steps to make sure you can continue to […]
Acupuncture for Arthritis!
May is Arthritis Awareness Month in the US, so it seems like the perfect time to dive into a topic that I get asked about a lot. More specifically, I usually don’t even get asked a question, but instead get some version of a statement such as: “I have a lot of knee pain, but I’ve had x-rays and they’ve confirmed that I have arthritis, so there’s really nothing that can be done unless I have surgery…”
What’s in Your Herbal Medicine Cabinet?
Whenever someone gets sick in our house, we commonly use herbs as a first line of defense. Don’t get me wrong, I am very happy that antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals are an option when appropriate, but if I can use gentler, safer alternatives BEFORE an issue needs the big pharmaceutical guns, I am all for […]
3 Keys to Sticking With Resolutions Based On Psychology
We’ve all been there: New year’s is the most popular time, but some of us make lofty resolutions and self-improvement goals throughout the year: “I am going to start working out regularly this year.” “Next year I will meditate every single day.” “After I eat this pie, I am off of sugar.” But as often […]
Acupuncture for Back Pain and Anxiety In Pregnancy
My wife and I welcomed our first daughter to the world during my 2nd semester of acupuncture school. Not the greatest timing given how much I was giving (mentally and financially) to my education at the time, but we decided to start trying to conceive expecting it to take some time… apparently we are among […]
7 Tips To Improve Your Mental Health
October is Mental Health Month at Balance Wellness! I am particularly excited to focus on this topic for a few reasons: 1. Mental health/illness is not talked about as much as it should be given how many people it affects (see #2) 2. Depression is the #1 cause of disability worldwide… seriously 3. I have seen […]